The Secrets to Having a Happy Marriage

by Hope Relentless

Posted on 28-09-2022 10:10 AM

The Secrets to Having a Happy Marriage


First of all, even happy couples argue.

It’s normal and healthy to have disagreements. What matters is how you handle those disagreements. Do you fight fair? Do you listen to each other? Do you respect each other’s opinions?


Focus on each other's strengths.

Every Person has strengths and weaknesses. Early on in a relationship we often focus on the person's strengths. As the relationship extends with time we have to be intentional to not suddenly switch from focusing on strengths to weaknesses. Whatever we focus on is what will continue to grow. So let's focus on what we want more of.


Don't expect your partner to complete you.

But still, do things together. Happy couples make time for each other. They schedule date nights, they take weekend trips together, and they find ways to experience the adventure of life...together. Shared experiences are so important to maintaining an ongoing bond with your spouse.


Choose to be attracted to your spouse.

Pay attention to and compliment your spouse. Think specifically of the things they do that are attractive. This will keep the intimacy flame going strong.


Laugh with each other.

Couples that laugh together release positive emotions. Similar to adventures, laughing builds intimacy. Laughing is great for reducing stress and creating positive emotions. The more you can laugh together the more positive you will think of your relationship. Comedy clubs can make for great date nights. The additional laughter and new experience will add significant value to the relationship.


The 5 common traits of couples that get divorced


They don't communicate.

Communication is such a key part of a healthy relationship. When a marriage has unhealthy communication patterns it makes every area of the relationship complicated. Basic conversations can turn into toxic interactions.


They have different interests.

Shared experiences build ongoing bonds. When couples have separate hobbies it makes it hard to create shared memories. If a couple is consistently apart, then it makes sense the relationship will slowly drift apart.


They're not intimate anymore.

Intimacy is a key part of a healthy marriage. Often times intimacy can be a temperature gauge for how the relationship is really doing. Limited to know intimacy is probably a sign that the relationship is in trouble.


They don't spend time together.

Time is one of the greatest resources we have. Time together shows a continual commitment to the marriage. If time is not spent together then the relationship is no longer receiving ongoing deposits.


They argue all the time.

Every relationship can have its share of disputes. But relationships that end in divorce typically have higher levels of toxic interactions. Fighting all the time is a sign that communication is poor and that the relationship is lacking trust. Unforgiveness is likely building and each fight is building on top of the last fight with little to no resolution.